Computer networking pdf books

A computer network is a set of computers that are physically connected to each other. A service is a process on the server. It will normally be always active and wait for service requests. Examples: 1 Web server delivers web pages on request 2 Authentication server receives login credentials, checks them against its database, and grants or denies permission 3 Time server multicasts time information through the network 4 Game server grants or denies access to gaming sessions, enforces rules, calculates results Some services run without being considered by processes on other computers they are called transparent because they are invisible to client computers and their users.

A computer can be client to multiple servers. The 6th Edition is updated throughout to reflect the mostcurrent technologies, and the chapter on network security is rewritten to focuson modern security principles and actions. Tutorial videos on key networkingtopics and techniques are available to students on the companion website at www. Instructors are supported with a SolutionsManual to end-of-chapter exercises featured in the book , LecturePowerPoint slides, and extracted art and figures featured in thebook.

This site comply with DMCA digital copyright. The comprehensiveness does suggest to me that this might be able to fill two courses worth of content, as well.

It would be nice to have some of the information factored out, with some of the highlights available as lecture materials. On its own though, I feel this would be a strong resource to use in a computer networking course.

The book covers all the major topics required for a computer networking course. Yes, this book is accurate in the major areas that the reviewer read. The entire text was not reviewed. Yes, the book is up-to-date with the major concepts that do not change e. However, some networking technologies will need to be updated as advancements are made e. Yes, the text is clearly written. However, the content is very technical and would be challenging for a non-technical person to understand all aspects.

It is very straight-forward and appropriate for a technical audience. Yes the book is very modular and provides many small sections within each chapter for specific topics. The flow of the book is similar to other networking books in that is starts with an introduction then provides additional details in following chapters. This book would be appropriate for an instructor with a strong background in teaching networking and using a more technical approach. An Introduction to Computer Networks is a free and open general-purpose computer-networking textbook, complete with diagrams and exercises.

Particular attention is paid to congestion; other special topics include queuing, real-time traffic, network management, security and the ns simulator. The book is suitable as the primary text for an undergraduate or introductory graduate course in computer networking, as a supplemental text for a wide variety of network-related courses, and as a reference work. His research interests are in programming languages and computer networks. Content Accuracy rating: 5 The author presents the material in an unbiased manner.

Clarity rating: 2 The text was difficult to read because precise definitions and content were not provided. Other textbooks and internet sources were used to look up definitions and refresh understanding of technical terms and concepts Consistency rating: 4 The terminology, framework, and chapter exercises followed a consistent approach. Modularity rating: 4 The layout of the book is easy to understand and follow.

Interface rating: 3 The text is free of navigation problems. Grammatical Errors rating: 4 The text was free of grammatical errors. Cultural Relevance rating: 5 The text is appropriate for globally-based students. Comments Many computer concept textbooks have associated software that helps student learn topics and practice.

If the link does not work, then you can send your request to us by clicking here or comment below. List of books of computer Networking:.

Computer networking- A top-down approach by James F. You can get the link from the below button:. This book continues to offer a fresh and timely approach to computer networking instruction.

The most important aspects of this book are its top-down approach, its focus on the Internet and a modern treatment of computer Networking, its attention to both principles and practice, and its accessible style and approach toward learning about computer networking.

Kurose and Kieth W. The best book anyone can suggest is Tanenbaum for Computer networks. This Tanenbaum book is the most famous and widely used book.


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