Discworld mudlib download

The archives contain many stories of heartache and tribulation endured by those willing to attempt the installation. If you have any problems going through the steps outlined above, you may find them of assistance. Bear in mind that the distribution version of the mudlib does not contain any of the locations, NPCs, or items that you know and love from DiscworldMUD.

Nor will you be able to get these from any creator on Discworld. The distribution version of the mudlib contains enough basic code to create one's own locations and items, assuming one can code in LPC. Questions on doing so will probably not be entertained. Few of the creators have attempted to set up their own version of the MUD. Fewer still have succeeded. If you wish to attempt to do so, you're on your own.

Feel free to use the mailing list mentioned above, or some of the resources listed below to get you started, however. In preference to listing URLs that can go out of date, we will present a list of terms that your favourite search engine will no doubt accept and return a rich supply of results. The mulib was started in and has been under constant development ever since. Unlike some other distribution libs the Discworld lib is a working mudlib, used to run a very large LPMud.

There are also about 20 other MUDs that use the lib or a derivative of it. The Discworld mudlib goes beyond the norm with the number and variety of objects available and the level of detailed interaction that is possible with them.

I, Cratylus, am not the author of Discworld, and you can consider this an official disclaim of any credit for its brilliance or blame for its pitfalls. What is the second thing I should know? This is a strictly "third party" deal which they will not support in any way. You are free to download and use it, but you are not entitled to receive support from anyone. Note that I can't give you authorization to distribute it either, since I am not the copyright holder.

Who is this for? This is not intended to be a "get started on your own mud the easy way! I am making it available as a courtesy and favor to mudlib hobbyists who have an interest in tinkering with this lib.

But if what you're looking for is a quick-start kit for your own mud, I strongly recommend you stop reading now and look elsewhere, because even though the Discworld Bundle makes installation easiER, it does not necessarily make it eaSY.

What is Discworld? What's your angle here? During some experimentation I found that I had a relatively easier way of installing Discworld that people could take advantage of, and it seemed like a nice thing to do, making it available generally. I'm not afraid that people will use Discworld instead of Dead Souls.

And anyway, what kind of lib author would I be, if I was afraid to let people compare my work side by side with that of others? Let the chips fall where they may. Why were you working on Discworld? I discovered that the work done on Dead Souls before I became the maintainer lacked the core lib systems that were needed to have the lib and driver communicate with a database.


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